Thursday, December 5, 2013

Literature Analysis#2

      The book I choose was The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez. This story is based on true events. It’s about a young man coming over from Mexico not knowing any English or not knowing anybody. The young man and his family stayed in a place called Tent City. He watched over his younger siblings. His father’s job was to pick cotton from the cotton field and his mother’s job was to make dinner for the workers after they got out of work. Francisco went to school and did very well. 
The theme of the story is to not take anything for granted because we have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. As in other country’s some people aren’t that lucky. Francisco had little toys, clothes and food. But he had his family who always gave him love and support. His family support helped him get through the hard times.
I choose this book because it relates to my family. They came here from Mexico with very little. They stayed in Guadalupe. They are from Jalisco, Mexico. My father told me how the struggle is in Mexico. People over there are poor and don’t have jobs so therefor they come to the United States illegally to have a better life.
I found this book real because 90% of the people I know have gone throw this.  It is very hard to stay here without legal papers. They want a better future and here we provide an education, money ,and food for those in need. In other countries they don’t think the same.
The tone of this book would be dramatic in our eyes because we haven’t been in that type of situation. How the way the author describes his lifestyle is harsh. Nobody would want to sleep on the cold cement ground with one blanket.

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